If you want to control a system effectively, you should look closely at the interaction of its various components instead of observing their behaviour separately.
– Paul Ehrlich –
Questions/topics that my customers bring along:
- Competence analysis – “What can we do?“, "What do we love to do?" and/or “What are we good at?“
- Values and culture – “What do we stand for?“
- Looking at the current situation of the organization - "How are we doing?“
- Our employees are not as satisfied as we would like them to be – “What can we do?“
- We need practically oriented knowledge on selected topics - for everyday interaction, cooperation, etc.
An organization always has a specific purpose
… a goal, a content it deals with. In order to achieve these goals or to work on the content, it needs people – this results in a complex cooperation of different personalities and competence portfolios who ideally achieve great things by working together.
We develop corporate mission statements, look at the communication within the organization and clarify issues where there is room for improvement.
Aim of the whole: Active and motivated employees, best possible identification with the company and its values, efficient processes, a good understanding of interfaces and a high attractiveness as an employer.
The following topics, among others, result from this cooperation:
- Identifying and clarifying questions and areas of conflict
- Developing and formulating of/agreeing on goals in mutual understanding
- Defining interfaces and processes - finding good ways of interacting efficiently and clearly
- Culture in the sense of "How do we treat each other?" or "What do we stand for?“
In the Employee University, people can learn more in the following workshops, seminars and webinars:
- Employee Communication (for executives)
- Communication verbal, paraverbal and nonverbal
- Time and self management
- Organizational Development & Change
- Understanding and solving conflicts
- Separation talks and management
The focus is on working on and experiencing topics intensively and personally, partly alone and partly in groups.