About me
“The key to the success of an organization are always humans, the key for each individual is an exciting mix of motivation and competence”.
Since 2003, I have been advising and accompanying people and organizations in operational activities or in phases of change. My focus is on the individual and the interaction of various factors, motivations, strategies and ideas.
What I bring into these processes:
More than 22 years of experience as a consultant, trainer and coach, before that about 12 years of experience in the credit world.
Even during my time in various banks, I focused on the overall context – in the credit sector, it was a matter of getting a picture of companies and organizations that enabled a suitable assessment. I identified two key factors: People and profitability.
I know all too well that when people want and are able to do something, i.e. are motivated and feel at home in the field of knowledge, they can achieve very good results. Behind every successful company are successful people – this is one of my basic beliefs.
In addition, my focus is on the topic of profitability and careful calculating as well as identifying potential for improvement.
In 2003 I therefore started my own business and since then I have accompanied several hundred people on their professional path in their job or on founding their own company. In addition, I have accompanied many teams and – increasingly in recent years – organizations in finding and following their good path.
That's what my clients say
Networks and references (excerpt)
- Kienbaum Consultants International GmbH, www.kienbaum.com
- Sponsorship/support program "Förderung unternehmerischen Know-hows“ at the BAFA, www.bafa.de
- Deutscher Verband für Coaching und Training e.V. (dvct), www.dvct.de
- Bundesverband der mittelständischen Wirtschaft (BVMW), www.bvmw.de
- einsA Gründungszentrum, www.1a-gründungszentrum.de
- SEQUOYA Karriereberatung und Organisationsentwicklung GmbH, www.sequoya.de
- ACT – Advanced Coaching and Training, www.advancedcoachingandtraining.com
- Businessplan-Wettbewerb Berlin-Brandenburg, www.b-p-w.de
- Berufsförderungswerk Berlin-Brandenburg, www.bfw-berlin-brandenburg.de
- .garage berlin gmbh, www.garageberlin.de
- Certified consultant for medium-sized companies (BVMW)
- Systemic organizational consultant (artop, Institute of the Humboldt University Berlin)
- Business Coach (Federal Association of Certified Trainers and Business Coaches e.V.)
- Certified start-up consultant (University of Lüneburg/Enigma Company Builders)
- Train the Trainer and AEVO (IHK Berlin)
- Dipl.-Kffr. (auditing, banking)
- bank clerk